So yesterday the 29th of July, I’m apologize to the people that I think i should ask apologize to them (loh?: P) because I had many mistakes to these people. hehee .. And also do not forget to my Papa Mama :'D
Well, i send message to them .. my apologize message. what type sms hard anyway? just type and send it, right? :P
One day later, one afternoon, Papa replied my message ...
"We accept ur appologize, We always forgive all of u anytime, ever & forever, but pls give us ur willingness more better, just only one step ahead, from time to time. also forgive us, just coz ur unperfectly parents, but We always think the best for all of u. "
And then also, I think .. (okay get ready, maybe it's a gonna bit lebay :'P)
my tears running down so abruptly, continue to imagine it was all sins, disappointments ever i do, and suddenly ‘nyesek’ in my chest as well.. when I read it once again, it was still ‘nyesek’.. and it looks like a sentence in bold..
but pls give us ur willingness more better, just onlyone step ahead, from time to time.
For my wickedness, for something i do and is not responsible, for my selfish demands (because you both demands more importantly, I see that) i'm so sorry, Pah, Mah.. i love you Both ..
I'll always try to be ur best Daughter .. I'm Promise..
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